Integrity of money refers to the trustworthiness and stability of a currency, and the assurance that it retains its value over time. A currency with integrity is one that has a clean slate, free from manipulation, and is widely accepted by a community of people.
In the context of digital currencies, the integrity of Bitcoin is maintained through its transparent and decentralized nature. The protocol is open source, meaning that the ledger is visible to anyone, and the number of units in circulation is limited to 21 million, ensuring that inflation is not a factor. This makes it a long-lasting global currency with a high degree of trust and stability, as its value is not subject to the whims of any single entity or government. As a result, it is often considered to have a higher degree of integrity than traditional fiat currencies. Ultimately, the integrity of money depends on a shared belief system and social constructs, but digital currencies like Bitcoin offer a more secure and transparent alternative.